See how Perusall increases student engagement and saves time for instructors in their courses.
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See how Applied Science instructor Brent Scholar designs and manages his Perusall course at Arizona State University to enhance student learning.
Brian Lukoff, Perusall Co-Founder & CTO, walks you through peer assessment in our new review-based assignment types.
Introducing peer review assignments in Perusall! Brian Lukoff, Perusall Co-Founder, Chief Technology Officer, and fellow educator, walks you through our new assignment type.
Learn how to get started and explore the foundational features of social learning with Perusall Academy Kickstart!
Discover new features and advanced assignment techniques to enhance your teaching strategies with Perusall Academy Next Level.
Master the latest LMS integration techniques, troubleshooting strategies, and innovative uses of sandbox courses with Perusall Academy Mastery.
Perusall integrates with all major learning management systems. Upgrade to LTI 1.3 to easily sync rosters, groups, grades, and assignments.
Brian Lukoff, Perusall Co-Founder and CTO, walks you through our new platform features, including Peer Review assignments, for summer 2024.