
Learn what Perusall can do for educators and their students at your institution. Use the following page to update your institutional web page or download a .PDF to share with your colleagues and faculty.


Perusall is an online social learning platform that prepares every student for every class. Students collectively comment and collaborate with all types of course content, asking each other questions, helping their classmates, sharing opinions and ideas, and building their understanding of course material. Students are motivated to learn by engaging deeply with the material together with their classmates - whether in-person, online, or hybrid.

Perusall was created by a team of educators with a strong pedagogical background. The platform was designed to be easy for instructors to get started quickly: within 15 minutes, instructors can set up a course with a variety of assignment types for their students using their favorite course content; adopting an ebook from the Perusall catalog with over 1 million titles from 54,000 publishers; integrating podcasts, videos, and web pages; and uploading documents, EPUBs, open educational resources, and more. An integrated training component provides students with guidance on how to leverage social learning in Perusall to build their own knowledge and understanding of course material. Throughout the term, instructors can leverage insights on student engagement and student confusion to respond to individual student needs and use class time most effectively.

Features and uses for instructors

With Perusall, instructors in any department can create courses with any content they want, mix-and-match content when building assignments, and receive real-time insights and analytics of their students’ engagement.  Perusall offers customizable assessment tools for instructors using autoscoring, and Perusall easily integrates into your institution's learning management system.

Features highlights
  • Organize all your course materials in one place in the course library.
  • Build single-item, multi-part, multimodal, peer review, and differentiated assignments to meet your teaching needs.
  • Receive real-time insights and analytics of your students’ engagement with features like Perusall’s student confusion report and student activity report.
  • Customize your assessment to match your pedagogical goals, and use Perusall’s automated scoring feature to reduce additional work.
  • Break your students into groups for more focused and intimate conversations.
  • Utilize generative AI tools like AI-generated discussion prompts to save time in setting up your course.
  • Easily integrate your course with your institution’s LMS for student access and roster, group, and grade sync.
Getting started

Instructors web page | create a LMS course 

Perusall offers various materials to help you get started! Watch tutorials, read the Getting Started for Instructors guide located in your Perusall course settings, and explore additional resources below.

Additional features and uses for students

Students are encouraged to use Perusall for their own learning – like a personalized digital study guide! Perusall offers students additional features such as a private note-taking feature, dynamic student feedback, a customizable Perusall profile, and adjustable settings to meet accessibility needs.  Students can also use Perusall outside of their courses to create study groups and book clubs.

Features highlights
  • Comment, upvote, and quote reply to build understanding and respond to your peers. Add GIFs, emojis, polls, and images to create lively conversations around course material.
  • Take private notes with Perusall’s note-taking feature to share with classmates or download for future reference.
  • Adopt academic best practices when crafting original content using tools such as Citation Helper.
  • Receive dynamic student feedback for tips and ideas on how to work toward a better score.
  • Personalize your Perusall profile to create an inclusive social learning experience.
  • Click on an avatar to start a synchronous 1:1 chat with another classmate.
  • Use accessible features like read aloud and dictating comments to engage with materials without special screen software.
  • Start a book or journal club to read and collaborate with each other.
Getting started

Student web page | Knowledge Base for students

What is the cost?

Perusall is developed by educators for educators. Perusall has no ads, no investors, and will never sell your data. Instead, the service is voluntarily supported by our users in three ways:

‍Adopting a book from the Perusall catalog: Publishers support Perusall when students purchase books from the Perusall catalog. Explore the catalog of over 1,200,000 available titles

‍ Purchasing an institutional license: Institutions support Perusall when purchasing a license. (Note: Perusall offers LMS integrations to all institutions free of charge.) Learn more about institutional licenses

For institutions without a license, learn more about our pricing.

‍Using free materials at institutions without a license: When an instructor chooses to use free material such as instructor-provided PDFs, EPUBs, web pages, videos, podcasts, and images, we suggest (but do not require) that students in these courses pay an affordable fee to access the platform. Instructors can elect to use Perusall's recommended price—or adjust the amount up or down. Alternatively, instructors or departments may purchase bulk access for students. Learn more about Course Choice

Book orders

The Perusall catalog features over 1,200,000 titles, encompassing diverse subjects from Humanities to Science, English, Mathematics, and beyond. Interested in a book outside of our catalog? Contact orders@perusall.com and our Operations Team will be happy to assist. 

Perusall also works with campus bookstores to provide access codes for students who may want to purchase their ebooks through the bookstore. Bookstores should contact orders@perusall.com to place an order for access codes. 

Please note: Book purchases are not included in the Institutional License agreements.


If you’d like to discuss how Perusall might be most useful in your course, contact your Center for Teaching and Learning administrator or respective contact at your institution.

If you have additional questions, need technical assistance, or would like to discuss a feature idea, contact Perusall Support.

Interested in an institutional license?

If your institution has an Institutional License, we will provide you with a customized informational packet, specific to your LMS and relevant to your institutional usage. To inquire about a customized informational packet for your licensed institution, please reach out to Perusall Engagement. If you would like to learn more about Perusall Institutional Licenses, please reach out to Perusall Support.